Sunday, November 13, 2011

Falling in love... really?

Do you really call it falling in love? Or is it just plain 
puppy love? Ever had a feeling that literally made you 
forget what you wanted to say because you're talking to
the person that will most probably be with you for the
rest of your life? That when you look at that person you 
feel happy to be alive. That just thinking about that person
gives you the strength to pull through troubles. The feeling 
that after spending some time with him/her you feel like 
jumping into the sky and just float there in happiness?

Yep. I just realized how much it can affect a person.
Thanks to you I have been able to let go of some
things that I thought I would never lose. Now I know
how much the feeling love can affect a person. But,
I would always have those shackles of reality that keep me 
grounded because people like me with my flaws would 
never get the person of their dreams. Sad but it is the harsh
realities of life. Even so, I am happy enough to know that I
existed in your life.

Life isn't really that hard, it's just whether you want it to be
hard or not.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wishing for self-nonexistence... Is it a bad thing?

In all honesty, I don't think so. At this moment,
when no one is looking or knowing, I wish I could
fade away into thin air. Doesn't mean I'm killing myself, no.
Just erasing my existence like these folks in this photo.

If the world had an erase button I would have erased myself from
this very existence. Now here comes the question why.
Because I'm sick and tired of it. Sick and tired of screwing things
up and people take the fall instead of me. Sick and tired of having
to listen to one sided arguments when I'm trying to sleep and they're about me.
Sick and tired of having to live a life I wanted but am criticized for living it.
And that just fills half of my problems.

I pray that this will just wash away one day but for the past years
it just became a landfill that never stops growing. And it follows me,
wherever I go. The burden seems to weigh heavier than a tonne.
And I can't ask for it to be dropped like that, because if I do it will be
passed on to someone else, to someone I know and hold closely to.

So tell me, should there be a reason why I should exist if at this
current moment my very wish is to not to exist?

Friday, September 2, 2011

That Separation

Ever had a feeling that you know you like someone?
Yeah, that one. I feel it too but it sucks every time it comes.
I never find one that doesn't have a glass wall  that blocks
me from reaching her. You ever felt that way before?
I get it countless times. And it's not because she doesn't like me.
Even if she does some part of me screws it up.
Like these poor suckers here.

Yeah. That's how I feel. It sucks.
If I had a sledgehammer with me I would break that glass
and walk to her and ask her out but it doesn't seem to
work out. Maybe there is a reason for it. And I hope it's a
good one. Life never seems to give you a good time unless you're
marked to have one. Fascinating how life takes you on it's wonderful journeys.
And yet at the end of the day you regret nothing. Not for the sadness you felt,
nor the wrongdoings you committed, just happy with life. That is
if you live life for the sake of living. =D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life... the beginning of Death?

This may sound awkward but in the end, it makes sense.
When babies are born we always hear:"He/she has just begun his/her life
in this world." What we don't normally hear is:" This young infant has
just begun dying." But that is more appropriate, is it not?

We are humans, brought into the world just to leave it.
We start dying the second we breath, every second we use is a step
towards death. So why do what we do now? We do what we do to
make dying here easier, period. In the old days when war occurred
people threw stones at people to kill them. The suffering involved
was no amount of pleasure compared to now. All it takes is just a
bullet and you don't even know you died. Back then when old
people suffered from incurable diseases they lay on their beds
wishing for death to sweep over them. Now we can comfortably ask
for pain relievers and die comfortably in a lavish room full of
items desired.

The question is: Were we brought here to die? Or were we here for a reason?

We are here for a reason, we are here to prove ourselves.
Before we materialized we knew nothing, looked like nothing, were
nothing. When we entered the world we were given a mission, a
gargantuan task; to prove our worth and allegiance to the one that
created this world. Accomplishing this mission will grant us entrance
to a place more beautiful than Machu Picchu, calmer than the 
Maldives, safer than being in the arms of a loved one. Failing it 
will cost us not only our souls but will also result with an eternity
with fire and pain.

So the only thing to do is for us to choose which path we wish to
take. Which one did you choose?

P.s Time is running out fast. To quote St. Marher ~ Time and tide waits for no man.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One Night in Vegas

Never had a night like that. Ever. It was so awesome I've been
thinking about it every night. Maybe because it's my first time at
such an event but who's counting? Getting dressed up was
a pain, definitely. But it was worth it. Suspenders baby!!!

The gala was held in Equatorial Hotel and the theme, as stated
was One Night in Vegas. The sad part was that no one stood
out like me, save a few. Almost all were in suits and ties, what
utter boring crap. My outfit? looked like this....
Fedora, suspenders, shirt, pants and converse shoes,
(I know I look fat but I'm not that fat, definitely)
what else do you need to look out of place?
As long as you don't look like a small (very small)
bouncer you're fine.

I had awesome friends to accompany me that night,
among them were Alvin Andrew, he went to INTI
Subang and came back gay. Look at him trying to
kiss a guy.
Very cool guy if you get know him. =D
To a tribute to him... DOIN DOIN DOIN!
I performed that night, of course with awesome people.
From left it's Lee Sue Yi (Drummer [awesome])
Rusy Lee (Female vocalist [the cool cat])
Me (Bass guitarist [complete dufus])
Tabitha Teo (Pianist [The tabby cat])
Ted Lee (Electric guitarist [Ron Weasley look alike])
And not forgetting Mahesh Nambiar (Male vocalist [70's dude])
who got caught trying to kiss Alvin Andrew.... 
We were called Random (still don't get it why though)
and we weren't that great but it was all smiles for the lot
of us. So it was all good even though we fumbled a bit.

Part of the event involved playing poker but it was way too
crowded so as a card dealer it would be a shame if he didn't
have a deck of cards ready. So we played chor tai ti instead.
 The other two players were Chen Eu (in blue) and
Lroy. Considerably less number of people crowding around
so it was much better as we had more air to breath from.
Now what is a gala if there weren't photos?
We did take quite a number of photos when the gala was going.
Among them were.
That's me and Victor Chee, another cool cat.
And no, I never expected myself to look that 
retarded. XD
Another photo that was taken was this one.
Beside Tabitha is Delton Cox, a man who
has made heads turn for his sense of humor
and his source of the humor, Uncyclopedia.
Looking good in a suit, definitely one of the
people that stood out of the crowd.

After the night's program was over we stayed
behind to take a few more photos that were proper.
My personal preference was these two.
 He's Alex and I must say, he's a pretty comfortable pillow
to lie on.
Everyone that could stay took a group photo.
Looks like everyone had a great night.

It was a beautiful night and the hotel had a beautiful view
with a cooling breeze. So guess what? I did something very
unexpected but left me with a very big smile on my face.
I took a walk, but not alone. I was with my best friend Tab
who looked  stunningly beautiful that night. I even managed to
get her to go a few rounds with me on the floor. It's been awhile
since we had such moments and given the time she has left
before she leaves I guess it would be the last time we could talk
face to face since she would prefer to spend her last month with
her special someone.

It was indeed a great night and I did have lots of fun.
Some quotes which would serve this situation well
would be "That's some justice done", "All's well that ends well."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

28 days

Hey guys, it's been 28 days since I last posted a post at all.
Although that last post was just some random thought
that popped in my head.
This post will be about what happened in the 28days
that I was inactive here.

First Week : Went with a good friend to watch 2 movies, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and Insidious.
Insidious was scary.... Really SCARY... seriously. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 was
pretty much like a regular POTC  movie. This installment was by far better than
the second and third movies.

Second Week : The start of the new semester. I of all people was hoping to get a break or something
for this semester. I ended up taking 3 subjects and it's causing me so
much trouble. Plus I'm applying to which ever university/universities
which I want to enter and my options are very very very very limited.

Third Week :  The start of my tests and assignments began. The study feeling still didn't enter.
Crap. That was gonna cost me. And it did. Ever went to a test with half your
brain elsewhere? I had one of those moments. Never ever want to repeat that.

Fourth Week : On Monday I screwed up my presentation. Great. On Tuesday I think I blanked out in
class, then went back home and blanked out some more. Wednesday was a bit
of a surprise to me. I actually learned something.... Cool right? I know that
sounds sad but yeah. And today, I have approximately 22 hours and 45 minutes
to make use of before the next day.

The best part is how fast this thing works our. I'm into my fourth week of college and it's the middle of the semester already... I just realized how messed up it is. More epic moments will be appearing if I remember to post more.... XD

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ups and Downs of everything on this planet

Want to know something really cool? It's kind of obvious.
But I'm writing it to make us humans feel guilty if possible.
We humans are very very "interesting" people.
Whatever we humans do there is always a consequence.
Not directly at us but rather at another person or even an animal
or the environment suffering from our choices.

The slot for someone in university may be the one robbed from
a person more worthy of his/her slot.
 The food we waste is the food not eaten by the children
suffering from malnutrition in Africa/Haiti.
The waste of sites in factories goes to the river, air and in all
manner of places. Dump sites are slowly overflowing.

And at the rate we're going there is no point for slow change
anymore if we are TRULY (must emphasize) concerned about
our mother earth and the continuation of life on this planet.
Because right now we are using more waste-creating utilities when
the atmosphere deteriorates because of the use of such utilities for
the sake of personal comfort. 40 years from now there won't be
anymore fossil fuel, 20 years from now we will see the extinction
of certain types of flora and fauna.

And because we human beings are sentient and is able to
disagree and agree, new conflicts may occur which involves
war and all manors of warfare which pollutes the planet even
further. But at the cost of all this, we do come up with some 
good parts which have greatly eased our life... but not the life of
other living beings.

So please... take a step back... stop work for a year, clean up all
the rubbish we have collected and make use of it, grow some trees,
etc. But honestly speaking I doubt much will change because 
we humans are the most inconsiderate bunch of people that doesn't
care what happens to others as long as they are comfortable.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The few things that can change a life

I've hit one of those moments. It was like liquid nitrogen
chilling down my spine. It was one of those things that
reminded me that the world is full of inconsiderate and 
uncaring people. This time I argued with a friend about
something which led back to the old times, although
it was partially my fault it escalated to that extent.

It's one of those chapters in life that I've hit and man did
it hurt, still hurts actually. But now that I think back about
why we argued it was actually over the matter of consideration
and maturity. If one can't balance out things in a relationship
then don't get into one. Because it will lead to conflict and 
although once in a while it will spice up the relationship but
too much will lead to a break up in the end. And if one is
giving and all the other one does is take then it's also not
worth the while being in a relationship. I just found out
 from today's psychology class presentation.I made that very
mistake of giving in but not doing anything for myself.

From a bible verse which I googled (of course I was lazy)
This verse gave me some comfort and also gave me counsel :
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own 
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another week in my life

It has been quite eventful compared to other weeks but
also quite uneventful at the same time...
For instance I finally got my mouse..
It's quite good compared to most mouses.
Good control, comfortable fit, all the things
of an almost perfect mouse.

Ever seen a ladybug bow before a mouse?
If you haven't this is the best time to check it out...
It suddenly came out of nowhere and landed
on my mouse pad... cool eh?

I had a bit of time to kill so i played with the
ladybug for a bit...
Anyhow, another thing that happened in mt week
was the orientation for the March semester AUP
 No pictures (apologies) but I had the chance to be in
charge of making roti canai... Hehehe... And the participants
had to eat it for lunch. Quite edible but seriously could be
The most epic part of my week was during Sunday worship.
Halfway through playing the guitar the guitar string snapped.
I almost froze on stage and felt tempted to swap the guitar for
a mike but then I remembered I don't sing well, at all.... =.=

Anyways, that's all old hat now.... Another week has come
and there's a whole lot more stuff to do compared to before.
Will keep posting new posts whenever I'm free.... Til then, Cya!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Another week has gone by.
And I found out I only have about 1 more month to my finals
this semester. And the applications season is around the corner
so I have to get my hunting cap on and transcript rifle ready
because I have to hunt for a 1000 lbs Purdue bear,
30 foot long Drake dragon, a 12 feet long Kansas gator and
a few more humongous animals that I was given.

And yes, this was written at 7 in the morning. I was up since 5 15.
No idea why but there must be something wrong with me.
Oh wait, I forgot, there's too many things wrong with me.

Oh well....

For boredom's sake i will post up photos of potential universities
that I'll be applying to.

First is Purdue.
Nice logo I must admit. Kansas is next.
Last is of course Drake...
I gotta go bathe and get going now.
So ends another episode with me!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The "WAHOO" moment

Yesterday was my day.... I hiked the hill opposite my college and
was down in 40 minutes! It so makes it to my personal achievement 
list.I told my mom and she said i was slow compared when we hiked.
Well, you are motivated to MOVE faster when you have someone on
your tail whenever you're slow... Don't you think?

Well, I consider an achievement any day, anyhow. I forgot to bring my
camera up so I had to take photos using my phone. Please forgive the poor
Quality of the picture, I'm still a noob at this..... XD
Well, it does deliver quality when i ask for it, so it isn't so bad eh?
This was obviously set up by myself, but this photo
shows how tired I was when I finally reached the top
So yay for me eh? 
After a 20 minute break after getting down from the hill,
I went home to play games, as usual.
So ends another boring episode with Chris.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The "Epicness" of the past 2 weeks

As you can check from my last post that it was
quite awhile back.
So today I will write about what happened to me
in the past 2 weeks, just the highlights of course.
Last week was  my buddy's quick birthday bash.
We went over to Queensbay Mall to grab a bite
at Dave's Deli (no idea why). Surprisingly I was quite
satisfied with what I ordered despite it's small portion.
And without my friends knowing I took a few pictures
(literally a few only).
After the dinner it was a quick walk around the mall
and then it was time to head for home. I was the 
chauffeur as usual since I had a big car... Great.

After I got home it was a couple hours worth of gaming
and working. Although i did feel particularly lazy at that
point but life had to go on and I strolled to my table to work.

The week after was to me just as fun or not even more fun.
I went out for dinner with my friends from other programs and
I must say they are pretty tight knit compared to other people I
know. They aren't the brightest of bunch but they sure are one
of the most fun crowd of people I can think of.

We went to their usual place for dinner (Plus 2), not a bad 
establishment on my part, cheap and good food. while waiting
for the food to come we decided to have some picture-taking
fun. Some of them include a picture of my drink.
It's barley if you're thinking what it is....
Also Jin Wei took out the most interesting
thumb drive of all time.
Also not forgetting Ther Wei and Olen
(forgot how to spell real name >.<)
Olen was contemplating on whether to eat the cup he was
drinking from.

Ther Wei, the picture spoiler. I was hoping to get
a candid shot when he posed.... =.=
Dinner was awesome in general and then considered going 
to the nearby cybercafe and we saw a bunch of people.
Happily enjoying the game, when my friend took the photo
they didn't even notice he was there...

When they were blind to nothing but the screen they are indeed blind.
I have my chemistry test 2 later so I have to sign off and study now.
See Ya!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The common Man

After a whole week of torturous studying and
other things that i had to do, I finally had the time to write
a new post. A quick recap of what occurred last week
I had a presentation on Monday for Sociology,
Had a quiz for Chemistry, and my midterm for Sociology
last but not least my TOEFL test on Saturday. That was
three hours of PURE torture. Cannot describe how I felt 
when i left the exam hall. 

Now I have a few days of a short break before the tests
and assignments attempt to brutally mutilate whatever noggin
I have left. On another note I haven't had the time to take
pictures so an apology on my part. Coming 26th and 27th i'm
going for my college's Left 4 Dead 2 competition. Grand prize
includes a Razer mouse!!! If I win it I'm not lending it to anyone... 

Like I said, the daily activities of common man, not a genius or 
superhero in disguise (although I wish I could be one)

Monday, March 7, 2011

One hell of a week

I know it's quoting the tv series 24 punch
line by Anil Kapoor but i can't help it.
It's going to be one week of hell for me, approximately 
13 hours from now i have a presentation that is due for 
the class to see later, and i know virtually nothing
about what my other group members have done.

That aside, i had a test which i didn't think i did 
so well but i did better than i thought i would have.
Plus i have my midterm for one of my subjects coming Friday.
And it's 8 chapters worth and i have just barely started.
Plus my TOEFL test is on the 12th of March, this Saturday.
I only have one word to describe what i'm going through, ouch.

That aside i had pretty uneventful days since my last post.
Hopefully that won't be regular. I hate uneventful. Seriously.
I soon realized that the world can never rest. It just throws 
whatever it has up it's sleeves once you settle the previous 
thing it threw. It gets pretty tiring every now and then but
hey, who's life isn't like that? Before i sign off i formally 
apologize for the lack of visual information as i do not
have a basic camera to get by to taking photos. Will get 
around that and maybe who knows? i may be a photography protege. XD.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

And the engine starts failing..... again.

It's a glorious Friday... well, was. This week i had lot's of
old things that popped up. Just a quick glance at the highlights
of my week. First there was me and a whole bunch of friends eating
at the mamak while making making the most noise in the whole
place. It was at Kayu at 11 in the morning, my brain hadn't woken
up yet as i was starving.

Then there was Wednesday. It was a tiring day even though i
had a 2-hour which consisted of a class no more than 20 people
and it was an open-book test. Ever had one of those days when you
get out of a place it felt like you Were being evacuated from the battlefield?
That was one of those days.

Then of course there was Thursday, nothing much to report except 
that for once in my entire life i actually completed a chemistry paper.
That was an achievement any day.

Then there is Friday. Now i know what they meant by
T.G.I.F (Thank  God It's Friday). After the Malaysian Studies test
which i didn't actually study anything i actually felt i did okay.
It wasn't that hard as quite a bit of it  was general knowledge.
And after that was four rounds of continuous beating by my friends
in starcraft. I am a noob, i admit it. Then i had dinner with my friends
and then i came home, worked out and watched a movie and
blogger (which is about now.).

That's the summary of a week held by a regular guy. Ever wonder how someone famous experienced their lives?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Brain Freeze

Ahh, happy Wednesday. The middle of the working 
week and also one of the most tiring days in college i had today. And all
 I did was sit. Funny how that happened.

Ever had one of those days you just get a brain freeze?
No cold drink involved and no pun intended, seriously. Today was one of
those days. I only had one class today and had an open book quiz for that
particular subject i was taking. Surprisingly, my brain froze during the quiz.
My brain was functioning like it is now, slow and lagging behind the time.
It's one of those times when your brain just decides to take a chill pill, like 
a plasma rifle being cooled down after firing too many shots in Halo.

That's what happened during my quiz.
My brain lost some of it's precious brain cells as i have very little to spare.
 I don't have much in my noggin anyway. Today's quiz was on the adolescent.
What is the cognitive functioning of a typical adolescent? That was the first 
part of a three part question that left me hanging and racking my brain for an
answer for almost half an hour. The other 2 sub-questions weren't exactly very
helpful either as they had very puzzling questions and a very interesting answer.
Don't believe me? Try taking Psychology 260 as a subject in college. It's one of
the most challenging things I've had so far.

Anyway, I'm signing off for the night as i need to charge up my brain cells for a chemistry quiz later.
More memoirs of myself will be put up somewhere later.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So when am i going to get a life?

This is going to be a story about a guy, me. 
You see, this guy has never had a real life, everyday looking at the window or
even playing around with his laptop. And one day (which was today) just so 
happened to stumble upon an old treasure, which was his old blog site about himself.
After pondering through all the posts he has written he realized that he has never been
 writing much about what he has done and what he has become. So he decided to write 
a post about it and make a resolution to write more about his daily life 
(will try to remember to write more) and activities be it 
in college or the loo.

Over the days he will write about his life and how he walks the walk and maybe
talks the talk. And this post he is writing right now will be the first of a series of 
journals that will be posted .

Today was a day,
Full of "excitement" and mundane,
I looked at lunch with disdain,
Cuz it cost me RM 8.40!!!
Then realized that i was the only one from another semester group
My guts then became watery soup,
when i saw adrenaline junkies having fun in the shop,
with other people who wanted to beat them with a mop.
I realized that they were a pain,
me and my friend had a brain,
and left them in the mamak cuz they were overkill,
who came back no later than us to chill.

My rhyming is poor but that was the highlight of my day.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


So now I've been studying in INTI college for almost a year and had no time to
do anything in this blog page. 
Joining AUP (the American University Program, a.k.a Akash U Patel), has been one of the most enjoyable moments that i ever experienced. It gave plenty of opportunities to get new profile pictures for my facebook account.
Some of which include :
 The taliban-ity which made me an internet sensation for 5 looong seconds.
 My role as goalie in front of a huge bear.... (no pun intended)
And this was when i was trying to study for a test in a friend's house....
This made me icon of the year with such a look (and yes, that's how I look in real life)

Conclusion is that 2010 was a fairly great even though i had quite a few ups and downs
But that should not stop anyone from enjoying life. =D