Monday, March 7, 2011

One hell of a week

I know it's quoting the tv series 24 punch
line by Anil Kapoor but i can't help it.
It's going to be one week of hell for me, approximately 
13 hours from now i have a presentation that is due for 
the class to see later, and i know virtually nothing
about what my other group members have done.

That aside, i had a test which i didn't think i did 
so well but i did better than i thought i would have.
Plus i have my midterm for one of my subjects coming Friday.
And it's 8 chapters worth and i have just barely started.
Plus my TOEFL test is on the 12th of March, this Saturday.
I only have one word to describe what i'm going through, ouch.

That aside i had pretty uneventful days since my last post.
Hopefully that won't be regular. I hate uneventful. Seriously.
I soon realized that the world can never rest. It just throws 
whatever it has up it's sleeves once you settle the previous 
thing it threw. It gets pretty tiring every now and then but
hey, who's life isn't like that? Before i sign off i formally 
apologize for the lack of visual information as i do not
have a basic camera to get by to taking photos. Will get 
around that and maybe who knows? i may be a photography protege. XD.

1 comment:

  1. don't sweat it bro and as crazy as it sound you have to find a way to enjoy the journey :)
