Friday, March 25, 2011

The "WAHOO" moment

Yesterday was my day.... I hiked the hill opposite my college and
was down in 40 minutes! It so makes it to my personal achievement 
list.I told my mom and she said i was slow compared when we hiked.
Well, you are motivated to MOVE faster when you have someone on
your tail whenever you're slow... Don't you think?

Well, I consider an achievement any day, anyhow. I forgot to bring my
camera up so I had to take photos using my phone. Please forgive the poor
Quality of the picture, I'm still a noob at this..... XD
Well, it does deliver quality when i ask for it, so it isn't so bad eh?
This was obviously set up by myself, but this photo
shows how tired I was when I finally reached the top
So yay for me eh? 
After a 20 minute break after getting down from the hill,
I went home to play games, as usual.
So ends another boring episode with Chris.

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