Saturday, May 19, 2012

What it means, to be Christ-like.

What it means, to be Christ-like.
This is a statement or question that always seem
to be mentioned a lot in churches and is specifically aimed at
seasoned Christians. And in all said mentions it always seems
 to be presented with different parts of the bible mentioned as
 their factual basis. Not to say that they are wrong, but what
seems to be discussed on having Christ-like character has rather
been on the actions that can be physically shown to the entire
world. The phrase "actions speak louder than words" come to mind
but it is at this time that I questioned whether the actions truly
mean something or not.

Being compelled to do things that resemble Christ is not true Christ-like
behavior, in my opinion at least. It sounds like as if if we are forced to do
something and if we had a choice, we would not do it. When Jesus gave
 himself up to save us from our sins, he did so willingly. In this I am 
referring to 1 Timothy 2 verse 6. It said "He gave himself a ransom to all" 
(King James version). The three words "He gave himself" is in 
my understanding that he himself decided to be that sacrifice and 
the reason he did so, was because he loved us so much, so 
unconditionally, that he did so willingly (John 3 :16).

Which leads to the hardest thing asked of us when we are to
have Christ-like behavior. I am speaking of unconditional love,
 and it is in my opinion the hardest characteristic to be gained 
and probably the least shown in a world like now. But with it,
I believe it is much easier to have other character traits of
Christ, like the willingness to serve.

I know, who am I to say these things? I am just a college student after
all. I may be wrong, and I am more than willing to be proven wrong.
How did I end with such a conclusion? It was when I had an argument 
with my oldest friend, which ended with me considering to give up on
 being the way I am around that person, when I realized that it wasn't very
Christ-like of me to just be cold and unreceptive because of a disagreement.
People just don't see much of the care that Christ gave when he was around
 anymore. He took the sins of people who wanted him dead, is it not proof 
enough that he held unconditional love for everyone?

With that as a result, I realize that holding on to unconditional love is 
indeed a rare sight to see. And it is hard to care for someone who doesn't 
care the way that you do.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Clean-ing, a crime?

Yes, I just attended a cleaning campaign.
It was in support of clean and fair elections in my home country.
I experienced my first campaign first hand in Wichita.
The trip was a harrowing one, I have never managed to study in a car
 before, and this is the first time that I have managed to do such
a thing.
 After two hours of pure driving and a stop at McDonalds for some
breakfast, we could see the sign that said Wichita.
 It was a pretty big gathering, but it could have been bigger.
It consisted of Chinese, a couple of Indians, I think one Malay,
and of course one Chindian.
 After all that we went to Wichita State University to
relax for a couple of hours before going out for dinner then heading
 back home. Our dear driver wanted to play badminton
so he went to play, leaving us to find entertainment on
our own. And there was no entertainment at all.
Not even a food stall. We went in search of food on a map that
we found and we saw a Pizza Hut that was in campus.
Guess what?
 Yep, it was an actual hut. Never mind that, it was
closed. Closed for years in fact. At least I found another

All in all it was quite alright. We did go there for a reason, and
the reason was fulfilled.
Oh, and I found out that it was illegal for college students
to be involved in such political events. Someone is scared of
the power of students now aren't they?

from the guy who did tons of stuff that should never be repeated again.