Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So when am i going to get a life?

This is going to be a story about a guy, me. 
You see, this guy has never had a real life, everyday looking at the window or
even playing around with his laptop. And one day (which was today) just so 
happened to stumble upon an old treasure, which was his old blog site about himself.
After pondering through all the posts he has written he realized that he has never been
 writing much about what he has done and what he has become. So he decided to write 
a post about it and make a resolution to write more about his daily life 
(will try to remember to write more) and activities be it 
in college or the loo.

Over the days he will write about his life and how he walks the walk and maybe
talks the talk. And this post he is writing right now will be the first of a series of 
journals that will be posted .

Today was a day,
Full of "excitement" and mundane,
I looked at lunch with disdain,
Cuz it cost me RM 8.40!!!
Then realized that i was the only one from another semester group
My guts then became watery soup,
when i saw adrenaline junkies having fun in the shop,
with other people who wanted to beat them with a mop.
I realized that they were a pain,
me and my friend had a brain,
and left them in the mamak cuz they were overkill,
who came back no later than us to chill.

My rhyming is poor but that was the highlight of my day.

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