As you can check from my last post that it was
quite awhile back.
So today I will write about what happened to me
in the past 2 weeks, just the highlights of course.
Last week was my buddy's quick birthday bash.
We went over to Queensbay Mall to grab a bite
at Dave's Deli (no idea why). Surprisingly I was quite
satisfied with what I ordered despite it's small portion.
And without my friends knowing I took a few pictures
(literally a few only).
After the dinner it was a quick walk around the mall
and then it was time to head for home. I was the
chauffeur as usual since I had a big car... Great.
After I got home it was a couple hours worth of gaming
and working. Although i did feel particularly lazy at that
point but life had to go on and I strolled to my table to work.
The week after was to me just as fun or not even more fun.
I went out for dinner with my friends from other programs and
I must say they are pretty tight knit compared to other people I
know. They aren't the brightest of bunch but they sure are one
of the most fun crowd of people I can think of.
We went to their usual place for dinner (Plus 2), not a bad
establishment on my part, cheap and good food. while waiting
for the food to come we decided to have some picture-taking
fun. Some of them include a picture of my drink.
It's barley if you're thinking what it is....
Also Jin Wei took out the most interesting
thumb drive of all time.
Also not forgetting Ther Wei and Olen
(forgot how to spell real name >.<)
Olen was contemplating on whether to eat the cup he was
drinking from.
Ther Wei, the picture spoiler. I was hoping to get
a candid shot when he posed.... =.=
Dinner was awesome in general and then considered going
to the nearby cybercafe and we saw a bunch of people.
Happily enjoying the game, when my friend took the photo
they didn't even notice he was there...
When they were blind to nothing but the screen they are indeed blind.
I have my chemistry test 2 later so I have to sign off and study now.
See Ya!