Monday, April 2, 2012

That one-of-a-kind fish

 I went out out to the ocean one day and I saw
that one-of-a-kind fish. The same fish that has been
toying with me in my small boat this whole time.
It has been around for a long time, swimming around
 me even when I was a young boy. She looks so happy,
 I don't wanna spoil it by catching her and keeping her
for my amusement. She was always around with tonnes
of other fish. She was almost always in the limelight.
At times it became very difficult to see her swim
 though. I was always there, just looking. Seeing her
happy made me feel good to be alive.
Everyday I would go back with only one prayer, which
is for whatever His will is for this world  to be done, and for me
to serve my purpose His master plan. but I do have another thing
that I pray for regularly. I prayed for her.she was the only thing
 that I prayed out of my own desire. I prayed for her happiness, to be
able to swim in that big vast ocean in freedom, to live a good life.

I may have gone away to look at other fish but it was only at points
of time that no matter how hard I try to find her she was nowhere to
be found. I was on the brink of going back home but then out of nowhere
she will appear again. And it happens so often that I sometimes feel
on the verge of just quitting everything and going fishing else where.

 The silent things that encompass my life got a voice.

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