Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eating my own words

I had to say it. Now I'm eating my own words.
Whoa. No comment on today's day shift. Worked a lot, drank a lot (healthy drinks mind you), and worked more after that.
The orders kept coming like the ants returning home once their daily duties are done. I had so many orders with the ingredients eventually running out again, and again, again. It was fun to do the orders but very stressful because i had to prepare the ingredients and dressings (partly) and do the orders at the same time. Thankfully Donna was there to help out when she came.
Compared to yesterday? Well, yesterday was like taking a stroll in the park compared to what came my way. Today was like swimming against a tsunami of orders, and they keep coming wave after wave. I wonder how does the senior staff handle all the pressure.
Don't ask me how the food in there is like though i make them yet. Just not yet. Because i don't know how it tastes. To be honest, the first time i went to chili's was when i went for the interview, which i thank God for giving the job to me. I felt bad for the guys who applied but never got the post, most of them are my friends from school, sorry guys.
Another day's come and gone and it was used up getting myself some money and smelling like butter on the way (literally).
Just so you know, I'm not starting college early because of plain logic and some greediness, hehe. Plain logic tells me that if i start early with my forecast but get crapped up results for my SPM to continue college would end up me wasting my parent's money, which is about a 5-digit sum of money and getting kicked out of the college. And the greediness is for me to save up for hangouts and clothes, if i need them. Some of my clothes are so old they could date back ten years ago, TEN!!!
Ah well, I'll shut off for the night and see what tomorrow holds, may God bless you all, plus me, haha.

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