Monday, January 25, 2010


Good morning World!! *stretches his arms* just woke up from a really good night's worth of sleep.
Slept at around one in the morning and woke up at 9. Work's great but it does have it's drawbacks. For one, you cannot be sleepy when you work, especially in the kitchen and i paid the price for it. I burnt my finger on the flat top while making an order of quesadillas chicken. Ouch. now i got a white patch on my finger that is numb. And i sprained my ankle too.

Dad came and picked me up from work around ten and i went home  to bathe and sleep, wash my apron too.

And tonight's shift is night shift, again. So today I'll finish around midnight and follow the van until i reach home.

And now I'm bored, guess I'll go and play Dragonica.
It's a fun game to play when you're with friends but really boring if you're just playing alone.

Cute game, but it's so friggin' lame at times.
*Yawns. I'm Still so sleepy. Ah well. Gotta go, bye.

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